Be it a plate of rice & curry or a portion of drumlets at KFC, its still food and wasting it still is a crime.
I find joy in a clean plate. Some find it offensive, some find it cheap, others think its gluttony, but the bottom line - you are blessed with a meal while millions are not - be grateful at the least, waste not. Please.
It doesn't take much to finish up a meal. If you're in the habit of serving more than you can handle, go easy, there's always room for seconds.
If you have no choice in your serving, try not to make a mess - left overs may (hopefully) makeup your next meal or somebody else's.
If you are that notorious type to gobble it all up BUT the last mouthful, you're sad. It's your psychology. You certainly have room for that last mouthful. And no, you are not going to throw up, I guarantee.
Your current meal maybe your last (yeah, it's possible, switch on the news). The leftovers of your below average meal would be a luxury for another.
I'm not saying go feed the world, just asking for some gratitude and appreciation for the food that continues to present itself, on time, in front of you, everyday - and put this gratitude into action - 'finish' your meal.
Bon Appétit!
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